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Our thoughts and what we tell ourselves matter. Here are three thoughts or mindsets to let go of:

1. Let go of “I can’t” and other unhelpful, self sabotaging thoughts

“I can’t” and other forms of negative self-talk limit your ability to grow and improve your fitness. When you make up your mind that you cannot accomplish a task, you will rarely ever accomplish it. However if you replace that thought with “I’m not there yet, but I’m working on it” you acknowledge where you are currently and your ability to improve in an area or skill. You are not placing limits on yourself which will allow you to become further successful not only in your fitness, but in all areas of your life.

2. Let go of the belief that you can succeed overnight

Success is built brick by brick, day by day. Mat Fraser didn’t become the fittest man on earth overnight. In the same way, you cannot add 40lbs to your back squat or learn a muscle up overnight. All good things take consistent time and effort. When you recognize that, you can embrace the journey and find joy in the process. There will be ups and downs in the journey, but those who are persistent and consistent will eventually find success.

3. Let go of the thoughts that you are too late or too far gone

You are not too old. You are not too out of shape. You are not too broken. If you really want something, go after it. If you want to squat to full depth again, go for it. If you want to achieve running a 5k, by all means, chase after it.  Don’t believe the lies that you are too late or too far gone. And don’t listen to those who doubt you. You are capable and if you’re willing to put in the hard work and effort, you will succeed. You may not always reach your original goals, but you’ll go further than if you never started. This goes for fitness and life.



One Comment

  • William Miles says:

    Awesome article, beautiful points made! “Don’t listen to those who doubt you.” Gotta live by that!

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